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How to Install Source Files in linux

source files contain the programs and hence before the installation you need to compile them… so you need to install the build-essentials from the synaptic package manager…. else this build-essentials is already present in the cd.. and so you can install it…..else you can install it typing it in the terminal by sudo aptitude install build-essentials

suppose you have a source file name src.tar.gz, what you do initially is that you need to extract the source files and then in the terminal….
navigate to the folder where the source file is extracted using the cd commands….. and then
type the following…

sudo make install
clean install

./configure….. checks whether the required dependencies are available on your system or not….. if not an error is reported….

make compiles the source code and make install is used to install the program in to the location
if it asks for an installation location it is recommended to install all the source to /usr/src

clean install removes any temporary files created in the installation process of the source
and thats it your source file in installed in your system.


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