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Showing posts from January, 2008

Add a Splash Image to Bootloader

Add a Splash Image to (K)Ubuntu Bootloader - How to add a splash image to Ubuntu Grub. By: Mihai Marinof, Linux Editor The splash image is an image shown in the background, while GRUB displays the list of operating systems available for booting. Unfortunately, Kubuntu has no splash image set by default, which might be upsetting for some people. The good news is, however, that setting a Grub splash image is a rather easy process and anyone with Gimp installed OR ImageMagick should be able to do it. First of all, you'll need an image. Search the web for a nice image with your distribution's logo or any other image, or open-up Gimp and do it yourself. However, pay attention to the image's resolution, because Grub needs a 640x480 image and we don't want to end-up with a deformed image. Therefore, only search for images with a resolution of 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768 etc. Create the image Method 1 - ImageMagick : - Once you found an image, ...

How to Install Source Files in linux

source files contain the programs and hence before the installation you need to compile them… so you need to install the build-essentials from the synaptic package manager …. else this build-essentials is already present in the cd.. and so you can install it…..else you can install it typing it in the terminal by sudo aptitude install build-essentials suppose you have a source file name src.tar.gz, what you do initially is that you need to extract the source files and then in the terminal…. navigate to the folder where the source file is extracted using the cd commands….. and then type the following… ./configure make sudo make install clean install ./configure….. checks whether the required dependencies are available on your system or not….. if not an error is reported…. make compiles the source code and make install is used to install the program in to the location if it asks for an installation location it is recommended to install all the source to /usr/src clean install removes any...

Ubuntu Linux: Built-in apps get an "A", wireless support an "F"

Posted by Dennis O'Reilly It didn't take long after installing Canonical Ltd.'s Ubuntu 7.10 version of Linux for me to decide I liked what I saw. A quick tour of the Applications, Places, and System menus indicated that converting from Windows to Linux would be relatively seemless. The only fly in the ointment was my inability to get any of three wireless adapters to work with the OS. World-class applications without paying a dime I expected to find the Mozilla Firefox browser bundled with Ubuntu, and seeing links on the Applications*Office menu to's Database, Presentation, Spreadsheet, and Word Processor apps--all of which are compatible with their Microsoft Office equivalents--was no surprise. But some of Ubuntu's other built-in programs were a nice bonus: the F-Spot Photo Manager, GIMP Image Editor, Drawing app, and XSane Image Scanner give you all the graphics functions you're likely to need; and for audio and video processing, ...

Tips for successful Kernel Recompilation in Linux

"Kernel compilation is a tough nut to crack" - Most frequently this would be followed by a sigh if the recompiled kernel is not booting up. Though the nut has the look of a tough one to crack, kernel recompilation is still an inescapable affair that every Linux system administrator runs into, sooner or later. I too had to. With this article, I intend to walk you through the phases of compiling a kernel. I am sure it will inspire confidence in you so that compiling a kernel is no longer a "mission impossible". What is a kernel? Keeping it simple, kernel is the central part of most of the operating systems. The main functions of kernel include process management,resource management etc. It is the first part of operating system that is loaded in to the RAM when the machine is booted and it will remain in the main memory. Since the kernel stays in the main memory, it is important that it should be as small as possible. In Linux, kernel is a singl...